Saturday, February 26, 2011

This Year Please Donate Some Toys To TOYS FOR TOTS!

"Let's Show Everyone That Toy Collectors Are The Most Generous People You Can Meet!"

I never "Get Political" or anything like that but I want to remind everybody about an incredible charity called TOYS FOR TOTS.

I know many of you have heard of it. Every year the US Marine Corp starts a drive to help bring toys to under-privledged children everywhere. I think as toy collectors we really need to think about how we are blessed with this freedom & we need to think about others. Since 1989 this organization has helped bring joy & happiness to many children who's parents can hardly afford food! Think about being a little kid & the sheer joy a gift of a toy brings. You can help! All they ask for is a very easy thing we can all do. Either donate money ( ANY amount helps ) or donate a sealed MINT IN PACKAGE Toy to one of their drop-off locations. Their "Donation Boxes" are everywhere! I know they have them at ALL Toys-R-Us stores, that's the one I use. But, if you check out their website they can tell you all of the many spots in your own hometown. I hope everyone who reads this not only thinks about it but does it. Thank You, I appreciate you reading this far. You can find all the information you need at their official website:

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