Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vintage Fashion Photos: ANDY WARHOL & NICO as BATMAN and ROBIN!!

OK, awhile back a reader sent me an awesome photo of the Pop Artist Andy Warhol dressed up in costume as Robin, The Boy Wonder. It also featured the German singer NICO dressed as Batman. Ha Ha, it was great! ( Thanks Deb ). But then recently another reader, named John ( known as "A. Pennyworth" to his friends. "A" of course stands for Alfred, Bruce Wayne's butler ), sent us a ton of great vintage photos from his personal Bat-Photo Archives! It appears that the original pictures were from a 1967 fashion shoot layout in Esquire Magazine. The pictures are very cool even if you're not an Andy Warhol Fan, ha ha! Thank you John for sending us the photos. I really appreciate that. Having Batman Fans get involved in this blog is what makes it great. If any other readers have anything to share then please do.

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