Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Bat-Blog is On The "I Believe in Harvey Dent" Viral Campaign Website!

OK, I know I'm a major bat-nerd now when I get really excited about being placed on THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie Viral Website, ha ha! Warner Bros has created a page called "I BELIEVE IN HARVEY DENT" that is the base for their HARVEY DENT For DISTRICT ATTORNEY Political Campaign. It's a cool site that looks real & it allows people to get involved in different ways. One way is they have some really great PDF pictures that you can download & then take to a local printer to get bumper stickers or campaign posters printed, the graphics are nice! So, I had a "HARVEY DENT FOR GOTHAM CITY" banner made & put it on the back of my work truck. Plus, awhile back I found some LETTER vinyl stickers & put "BAT-BLOG.COM" on my back tailgate. Everywhere I drive or park I advertise the Bat-Blog, ha ha! OK, so I took a picture of the back of my truck & submitted it. It got accepted & is now on the page. The funny thing is that the "Bat-Blog.Com Propaganda"also appears in the photo! If any other readers have some great ideas to advertise the Bat-Blog then please let me know ( You guys might mention this site in a message board you belong to or post a bulletin at your MySpace page, hint, hint ). One last thing, in the picture down below are some of the Political Campaign Buttons & Stickers being given away by the DENTMOBILE. If any of you live in a town where they are appearing please get me some of these! I live in Oklahoma City & they are NOT even coming close to my area ( yeah, that sucks! ).

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