Friday, February 25, 2011

Is Julie Newmar ( Catwoman 1966 TV Show ) Still Sexy at 70?

We think so! Ha Ha, Last year I was really surprised to get a "friend request" at my MySpace page from the real Julie Newmar. OK, it's probably her assistant, but it was still an honor! Julie Newmar is still alive & kickin' & just as feisty as she ever was. Of course we all know her as Catwoman from the 1966 TV Series. She was one of the very best villains on that show. To stay connected to her fans she created a MySpace page & the pin-up photo you see above is one of her latest pictures she released...MEOW! I had to think about if I was gonna post it or not because it's kinda too sexy & I do try to keep this blog clean, to a degree, because I know children visit here ( Kids love Batman ). But I thought, what's wrong with this picture? She looks great & it's not anything you wouldn't see on any billboard or magazine cover. Ya gotta admit, for a lady in her early 70's she still looks pretty good, meow!

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