Friday, March 18, 2011

Cute Family Photo: MAX, The Boy Wonder!!

Last night I received an e-mail from a Bat-Blog Reader, named Stu, who had this incredibly sweet family photo to share. This is his son MAX as Robin, The Boy Wonder!! This is probably the most adorable photo I have EVER received! Stu explained it a lot better in his e-mail & wrote, "My name is Stu and I live in NJ. I am a huge Batman fan - one day I will have to send you pictures of my collection. I love your blog and I read it almost everyday! Today I would like to share with you, and your readers, a picture of my son Max. Although he was only 3 and a half weeks old on Halloween he INSISTED on wearing his Robin costume." Ha Ha, he "insisted to wear it", that's funny! Stu, please tell your wife that this little baby boy is extremely cute & precious. I seriously love this photo, it's totally priceless! Thank you so much for sending it. I know that my readers will feel the same way, he's such a cute boy. Plus, you're raising him up right with him being a Batman Fan so early!! That's very cool.

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