Sunday, February 27, 2011

What if Frank Miller's Batman existed during the 1950's?

Here's a parody ( from Mad Magazine? ) where they took the gritty realistic Frank Miller modern-day "Goddamn Batman" & put him in a story with Batman characters from the 1950's. The Penguin & Robin characters look like they are drawn by Dick Sprang & they have a "Gee, Golly!" kind of attitude, all sweet & innocent. Batman does not! If you think about the irony here it's pretty gosh-darn funny...Gee Golly, or I mean, dammit! ( Depending on your browser you might have to click on the image to read it ). One last thing, if ANY Bat-Blog Reader knows where this is from please let us know by commenting below or shooting us an e-mail, thank you!

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