Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Fourth Winner of a Signed-Copy of Chip Kidd's New Book BAT-MANGA, THE SECRET HISTORY OF BATMAN IN JAPAN!

We announced awhile back about our latest contest where we are giving away a FREE Autographed Signed-Copy of Chip Kidd's brand-new book titled BAT-MANGA, THE SECRET HISTORY OF BATMAN IN JAPAN. The responses have been pretty amazing & since we have more than one copy we are still accepting entries as we speak ( For information on how to enter just click on the BAT-MANGA CONTEST GRAPHIC at the top of this blog, just under the header ). Well, this morning I picked another name out of the hat so here we go! The WINNER of the FOURTH Signed Copy of the BAT-MANGA Book is... Jennie E. of Fairbanks, AK.! Thanks Jennie, please be sure to send us an e-mail to confirm your complete mailing address & then soon after we will be mailing you this book. I hope that postage for Alaska is not gonna be outrageous because I am kinda poor right now, ha ha! Now, for everybody else who entered there is one more book to give away so you at least have one more chance so stay tuned to the Bat-Blog because you just might be our next lucky winner!

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